Live in the moment

You might have heard this phrase countless number of times “live in the moment”.

What does live in the moment exactly mean?

To me, living in the moment means not living in the future or the past but being fully present in NOW.

Most of our lives are spent either living in the past or the future.

We regret, feel sorry, and feel angry, about what we did. Sometimes it is the incidents that happened, something that someone did to us, or said to us.

We relive the unpleasant moments countless number of times. Even though those moments make us sad or feel miserable. We chose to go over those unpleasant moments over and over again.

It is almost like virtual torture. I always wonder how does it make sense. Maybe we had no control over what happened in the past. Or maybe we did have control but we made a mistake.

There is nothing we can do to change that. Whatever happened is done, it is water under the bridge. Get over it. Move forward. If there is something you can learn from the experience take the lesson and keep going.

Don’t live in that unpleasantness and make yourself more miserable.

Most of us worry about the future, and the uncertainties. We worry about things going wrong, things not going as planned.

We worry about socio-economic and political uncertainties. We worry about a lot of things which may or may not happen.

What we fail to understand is that this thinking does not do us any good. It just brings more pain and unhappiness.

One of my friends constantly worries about getting sick. She is a health nut and follows a very healthy lifestyle. She eats nutritious, whole food, Exercises regularly.

I try to reason with her that she is doing all she could, and still if she gets sick there is nothing she can do about it. And worrying about getting sick does not help her in any way.

If you worry about some unfortunate future event that may occur, then take some action to prevent it, is possible. Or prepare to face it.

Keep in mind that there is a big difference between worrying about the future and being prepared to face whatever comes your way.

If there is nothing you can do about it now then decide to deal with it when the time comes. So, there is absolutely no reason for you to be unhappy or worry right now.

Keep in mind you can deal with a problem when it arises. You cannot deal with an imaginary problem in the future.

When you live in the future worried about it or you live in the past with regrets or being upset, you are robbing yourself of the present moment. In all reality the present moment is what you truly have.

When you worry about future you may develop anxiety.

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