
Forgive others and yourself, for anything that happened in the past. Holding grudges against others just robs you of happiness. You cannot hold a grudge against someone and be happy at the same time. By holding grudge against someone you are giving them power over you. The person not only hurt you at one time, but continues to do so. When the incident actually happened may be you had no control over it but now certainly you do have control in not letting them hurt you.

Sometimes it is even harder for us to forgive ourselves, for something that we did or did not do. The question to ask here is how is it helping me? Whatever happened cannot be changed but what we can change is how we behave now and what we do now. So, let go of whatever grudges or bad feelings that you have towards others or yourself.

 Happiness is within us, we need not search for happiness outside. Nothing or no one can make us happy. We cannot control the outside world, or others’ actions but we can most certainly control our reaction to it and control how we decide to feel about it.

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